Friday, May 29, 2009


I am not sure if you do assumptions but I am ALWAYS doing them. Here's the latest assumption:

About two weeks ago my friend Mark was taking me to the airport for my weekend vacation. On the way there we were randomly talking about everything. I had mentioned that I have been hanging out with him more lately was because I would rather have him hang out with me than have him going to the bar to drink. (Yeah, I should have not said that!) He then said 'I thought you wanted to hang out with me because we are friends'. I replied with a 'Yeah that too!"

Since being home I haven't heard from him. I have tried to hang out with him but he gives me the 'I'm busy' answer. I over think things and my thoughts were always that he was going out on a date (recently divorced so it's all good) or going to the bar. Yeah, I am jealous of all the girls he goes out with.. I can't hide it..

Last night I invited him to my all time favorite frozen yogurt hang out and he said he wasn't sure if he could. When I mentioned I would pay for his, then he said he would be there. It was really good to see my friend. To find out later, he actually was busy. Mark had gotten a new job about two weeks ago. So he does landscaping from 6:30am - 2:30pm and he cleans at 3:00pm - 9:30pm. So yeah he really is busy, and I thought he was just avoiding me!

True story!!!

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